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Join us for Lenten Soup Suppers on most Sunday evenings in Lent. This year, following up on last year’s exploration of liturgical music, we’ll be focusing on the liturgies of Holy Week. These are the most ancient, unique, and powerful celebrations of the year, rich with symbolism and spiritual significance. To help us enter into Holy Week more profoundly, Joel Bolen, our Director of Music, and Fr. Jayan will be teaching a series of weekly sessions unpacking the stories, sounds, and symbols of each liturgy.

Each session will begin at 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall. We’ll share a simple meal of soup and bread, and then learn about the stories, sounds, and symbols of each liturgy. We invite you to sign up to bring soup or bread for one of the evenings 

Here’s our schedule:

  • March 9 – Palm Sunday liturgy
  • March 16 – Maundy Thursday liturgy
  • March 23 – No soup supper because of choral evensong at St. John in the Wilderness
  • March 30 – Good Friday liturgy
  • April 6 – Easter Vigil liturgy

Holy Week is the most important part of the Church’s liturgical year, focusing our attention on the Paschal Mystery at the heart of our faith — that Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again. We enter deeper and deeper into God’s ultimate gift of love for us as the story unfolds over the course of these celebrations.