HEALING TOUCH SPIRITUAL MINISTRY (HTSM)- With roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition of laying on of hands, healing touch creates a prayerful space for recipients to return to their spiritual truth that they are one with God. Many hardships in life can create a sense of separation from the flow of God’s love and disrupt our energy and well-being. The act of laying on hands and healing body, mind, and spirit was a vital part of the ministry of Jesus. HTSM utilizes prayer, energetic healing, touch, and the use of essential oils to help a person heal. We believe that healing is a process guided by God to restore balance and wholeness of body, mind, and spirit, not only within the individual but also within relationships, community, environment, and the world.
Ascension’s HTSM program was developed in 2004 by deacon Mary Jo Feely and has grown to a team of 6 active members. The current ways to experience HTSM include hands on prayer offered during Sunday service, biannual healing services, healing touch home/hospital visits, distant healing, and healing touch sponsored retreats and workshops throughout the year. If you are interested in receiving healing touch or learning about ways to join the ministry at Ascension, please contact Anne Gerber at a.gerber@aechurch.org.