Maundy Thursday – April 17 @ 7 PM
We wash each other’s feet in remembrance of Jesus’ command to love one another, and we celebrate the institution of the Holy Eucharist. The liturgy is followed by a simple Agape Meal, stripping of the Altar, and an overnight vigil in the chapel with the Blessed Sacrament.
Good Friday – April 18 @ Noon & 7 PM
In this solemn commemoration of Jesus’ death, we hear the Passion Gospel, pray for the brokenness of the world, and show our devotion to Jesus by adoring his cross.
Holy Saturday – April 19 @ 9 AM
This simple and short Liturgy of the Word invites us to sit outside Jesus’ tomb with the myrrhbearing women, waiting for God’s victory over death to be revealed.
Easter Vigil – April 19 @ 8 PM
This is the high point of the entire liturgical year! A fire is lit to symbolize the light of new life that Jesus brings into the world. We will hear the story of salvation history and proclaim Christ’s resurrection, culminating in the first Eucharist of the Easter Season.
Easter Sunday – April 20 @ 8 AM & 10 AM
8 AM: Spoken; 10 AM with Music